I’m going to need those three days, personally, if I want any hope of wrapping Like A Dragon before 2020’s done. I’ve only just gotten into the crime drama meets minigames series this year. According to Steam, I’ve already spent 141.5 hours working my way through Yakuza 0, Kiwami, and Kiwami 2. Frankly I’m shocked that I only spent 65 hours on Yakuza 0 after sticking around after the main story wrapped to finish out the very important cabaret club management storyline with Majima and his talented ladies. If Like A Dragon’s confectionary company management has me anywhere near as enthralled—and I kinda suspect it might—yeah I’m going to be happy to get a jump start. You can hear a bit more about business management and the new turn-based battle system in an interview from earlier this summer. Like A Dragon has also revealed its English voice cast, including none other than George Takei, that’ll be an optional alternative to the Japanese performances. By the by, Like A Dragon is launching on PC, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, and PS4 on November 10th but isn’t getting a PS5 launch in the west until March 2, 2021. It’s quite the difference in launch dates, so do mind that if you’re deciding between console machines this holiday. If you’re keeping track of this year’s remaining releases, Assassin’s Creed Valhalla moved its launch date up a week to match the Series X date as well.