Warzone weapon stats

Below you can find full up-to-date stats on every single weapon in Call Of Duty: Warzone. The tables are organised by gun class. Below the tables is a quick walkthrough for those having trouble understanding what all the stats means and how we arrived at these values.

Assault Rifle stats

Check out the best Assault Rifles in Warzone here!

SMG stats

Check out the best SMGs in Warzone here!

LMG stats

Check out the best LMGs in Warzone here!

Marksman Rifle stats

Check out the best Marksman Rifles in Warzone here!

Sniper Rifle stats

Check out the best Snipers in Warzone here!

Shotgun stats

Check out the best Shotguns in Warzone here!

Pistol stats

Warzone weapon stats explained

In case you’re struggling to make sense of the data in the above stat tables, here’s what you need to know:

The Damage Profile stats are in the form of Head | Chest | Stomach | Limb damage. The Shots To Kill stats are in the form of absolute minimum to absolute maximum number of shots required to kill at 100 HP | 150 HP | 200 HP | 250 HP. These numbers take into account damage dropoff and body part multipliers, so a range of 3-6 means 3 headshots at point-blank range, to 6 limb shots at max range. The information in these tables was found through a combination of our own in-game testing; TrueGameData’s weapon stats and phenomenal comparison tool; Downsights.com’s weapon stat testing; and TheXclusiveAce’s excellent series of gun guides on YouTube. Move % is how fast you can run with this gun, as a percentage of your max speed (i.e. your run speed with no gun equipped).

And there you have it! Hopefully now you’re a master of the Warzone weapons arsenal, and you’re ready to put your newfound knowledge to the test. If you still need help making sense of the meta, check out our guide to the best guns in Warzone! Elsewhere you can check out our list of the best Warzone loadouts right now.

Warzone weapon stats  Season 5  - 30