The press release I have wants me to tell you that you’ll recognise Daisy Ridley from the new Star Wars films, James McAvoy from films like Split and the new X-Men, and Willem Dafoe from The Lighthouse and The Florida Project. But truthfully, I know the best way to get you to recognise Willem Dafoe is to say he was the Green Goblin in the 2002 Spider-Man movie. Aside from the very cool news about the voice acting, we don’t see much else in this trailer other than what we already know. 12 Minutes is an interactive thriller that takes place in a short 12-minute timespan in one night, where the player has to figure out how to escape the time loop. It’s directed by Luis Antonio, who’s previously worked as an environment artist on The Witness. “I’m thrilled to have this incredibly talented cast bring the nuanced and complex characters of Twelve Minutes to life,” Antonio says. “This experience blends the mediums of film and games, and these extraordinary actors are perfect for the challenge of delivering a new twist on the thriller genre.” The game is set to launch “soon” for PC and Xboxes. You can find out more info on its website.