After a classic Randy magic trick, a proud display of lock-down Lego builds, and a chaotic bidding war where he auctioned off the literal shirt off his back (which an audience member bought for an eye-watering $1200) we finally got to see some fresh New Tales From The Borderlands gameplay and had a lovely chat with director of production, James Lopez. Watch the video below for the interview in its entirety - it’s a good’un! Thankfully, we won’t have to wait long to get our mitts on New Tales From The Borderlands as it’s set to release October 21, 2022. For more of our PAX West coverage, stay tuned to the RPS@PAX tag. We’ve got plenty more to come, so watch out for more developer interviews, gameplay impressions and more in the coming days. If you’d like to see what else is at PAX, make sure to check out our PAX West tour of the show floor.