Raft debuted as a pay-what-you-want prototype doodad in December 2016, and even then it was fun. A formal Steam Early Access launch followed in May 2018, and it was fun then too. John Walker said at the time, “Once it’s filled with a few dozen more features, this’ll be one of the best survival-me-dos out there.” Well! The developers, Redbeet Interactive have added features aplenty since then. The launch update alone is huge. It adds: the end of the story; a rewriting of the old story with voice acting for notes; sunken towers that failed to save the rich; an icy land with a remote research back; a lovely land of geodesic domes; new foes in the form of anglerfish, bitey beetles, polar bears, hyenas, and more; new playable characters; automated trading posts; new devices including a juicer, electric grill, and wind turbine; new weapons; new survival tools; a new type of pillar to prop up a second floor without obscuring your view with loads of pillars; more; more; more. Goodness me. Now I think, I don’t think Raft had even added multiplayer last time I saw. How’s it come along since then, gang? Seems to be storming Steam’s player reviews, so I’m guessing good? Raft is available from Steam, with a 15% launch discount bringing the price down to £12.74/€16.99/$16.99 until the 7th of July.