To celebrate the release date reveal, the wordsmiths at Inkle have drawn up a new gameplay trailer. It’s a fine night for another story, after all.

Pendragon is, as the Steam page puts it, an “infinitely replayable” dark ages epic that lets you trudge across ye olde Britain as any one of the Knights of the Round Table (plus friends) in an attempt to bring the band back together. In traditional Inkle fashion, a sprawling narrative will unfold based on your interactions, relationships, and which character you choose to take the reigns of in each new game. Picking a protagonist isn’t just a matter of framing the camera, either. Each character comes with their own traits and drawbacks - be they heavy drinkers, scheming backstabbers, drowning in regret, or French. Together, somehow, you’ll have to put aside your quarrels and fight your way to a final confrontation with the nasty Sir Mordred, who’s gone and spread some nasty rumours among the table knights. How childish. In less traditional Inkle fashion, Pendragon is also a fully-featured tactics game in the vein of The Banner Saga. No character is too important to withstand a bad turn, either - King Arthur himself can beef it, leaving your remaining party to pick up the pieces and try to salvage the miserable road trip. Pendragon opens its first page on Steam and GOG on September 22nd.