Sadly, the video does not answer the big question I now have: who are the doctor and warrior fightfriends in the bottom-left corner here, and just how badly do their combined sword and scalpel skills murder people?
Please tell me everything about them, Amplitude. Alas, all they tell us about the future of this video series is that the next will gab about the “fully-tactical Humankind terrain, with its many different biomes, elevations and natural wonders.” As Alice Bee explained when she saw Humankind, their new 4X strategy is a lot like Civ but is even more playful with history. Rather than committing to one ruler of one civilisation, as we move through the eras we’ll get to switch to other civs, creating a weird new history for our people. If it were anyone else I might think it sounds silly but I have a whole lot of faith in Amplitude’s 4X chops. Our Endless Space 2 review called it “simultaneously confident and experimental, finding new ways to spice up a genre that can too often be bland”, and we declared Endless Legend one of the best strategy games only the other week. They do good. And now they’re trying to kick in Sid Meier’s shed door to nick his lawnmower. Humankind is coming via Steam sometime in 2020, published by Sega. Don’t confuse it with that monkey game.