It’s a pretty similar mysterious hero rises to save nations type fantasy RPG. I remember the opening levels very fondly, which involve your village fayre (I feel sure it would be spelt fayre). The tutorial aspects teach you how things like combat work by making you do bare knuckle fights, archery competitions, and I distinctly remember something involving an enchanted pig. This serves as a really nice comparison to how grim things get when ancient enemies turn up, loads of townsfolk get bad murdered, and you end up forming a party with a chirping tiefling and a grumpy dwarf to kick the shit out of a Necromancer initially, and many things in general thereafter. It’s a really good quality RPG romp, with all yer turn based combat and yer fun monsters. And you can get the Complete Edition, with all the DLCs, off of GOG. As I write this it’s under a tenner in the sale, and you can’t really look that gift horse in the mouth, surely?