There’s been a weird to-ing and fro-ing since then, with PvP servers for some Dark Souls games being brought back online again only to be withdrawn not long afterwards. Dark Souls 3’s servers went back up in August, but fell again a month later. Makes you wonder if it’s some kind of weird meta reference to the series’ attitude to death and rebirth. FromSoft managed to restore Dark Souls 2: Scholars Of The First Sin’s servers just last month, and they’re still alive and kicking for now. The base version of Dark Souls 2 is set to follow along, FromSoft said on Twitter. Dark Souls: Prepare To Die Edition’s PvP servers won’t be reactivated, however, as they’re getting on a fair bit. I don’t blame FromSoft for taking lengthy precautions with multiplayer for the whole Dark Souls series, as the RCE security exploit discovered in the third game was very potentially nasty for PC owners. Another player could work their way into your beige box using it, giving them the opportunity to infect it with viruses, or just outright brick the system. Lucky console players haven’t been affected by the issue. Dark Souls Remastered is on Steam and for £35/$40/€40. Let’s see if the servers last. Keh heh heh heh…