Extermination is coming to Steam in early access, and it’ll support up to 12 players going after those pesky bugs. You’ll join up as part of the Deep Space Vanguard, the special forces embedded within the movie universe’s version of the human Mobile Infantry. As it’s a Starship Troopers game, you’ll get dropped onto a bug-riddled alien world to blast away at hundreds of the giant creepy-crawlies. This time it’s a planet called Valaka, home to bases and refineries that you’ll need to retake from the enemy, along with hives to blow to pieces. You don’t have to be a bog standard trooper in Extermination, as there’s assault, support, and defence classes to specialise in. Each class has its own progression, with weapons, equipment, and perks to unlock as you massacre the many-legged enemy. The bugs vary it up too, as early access pits your squad against multitudes of insect lads such as drones, warriors, gunners, plasma grenadiers, and tiger elites. Infestation levels escalate during missions, with larger and more awkward to kill foes being chucked your way. Hundreds of bugs can come at you, but you’ll at least be able to build defences out of resources harvested from the planet’s refineries. Starship Troopers: Extermination is coming to Steam, but doesn’t have a release date beyond sometime in 2023 just yet. I’ll broadcast to you over the Federal Network when there’s more to share.