The account’s just been up a few days, so there are only a handful of examples so far. There’s Mario and Zelda, of course, along with EarthBound. For us PC players, “VGWaterfalls” has so far gotten its toes wet in The Witcher 3 and Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary. All the examples so far are positive test cases, because I suppose it would be boring to kick off such an account only with examples where there’s nothing hiding behind the tempting sheet of water. Secret treasures or hidden caves are a gaming classic. What’s more impressive than all those pixels roaring off a cliff, declaring their technical majesty? What might be hiding behind such an impressive display? I’m always quite tempted when I see them, assuming no one would put a waterfall in a game if not to hide something fancy behind it. Alas, not all waterfalls are made equal and I sometimes come away empty-handed. Like CanYouPetTheDog, I don’t suppose VGWaterfalls will see me jumping back into games I’ve not played in three years just to hunt for some treasure, but it’s good for a nice chuckle and “ah, I didn’t know that.” The dog petting account has a “casual Friday” policy by which the creator posts games where you can pet things that are not actually dogs. I wonder what the casual version of waterfall hunting is. If you’ve picked up Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary now that it’s out on PC as part of the Master Chief Collection, well now you’ve got a hot tip. Make sure to grab your skull, chief.