Perhaps unsurprisingly, I’m also fascinated by the amount of time I spend playing games, too (and yes, I do have a list for this as well - albeit only for my Nintendo Wii games at the moment). Steam, of course, keeps excellent track of your play time - and because it’s always open on my PC, there’s no need to keep my own version of it. I can just load up my Steam profile and gaze lovingly at the hours and minutes in my All Games tab. Except I can’t anymore, because four years’ worth of professional benchmarking has absolutely ruined my play time figures. It upsets me. Because I haven’t really spent 130 hours playing Shadow Of The Tomb Raider. Or 38 hours playing Doom. It’s all benchmarking, and I wish there was a way to scrub these games clean again so everything can be nice and neat and orderly again, and most of all, accurate.